Sometimes, on extremely rare occasions, I come across a blog that is almost as entertaining as
Again, this is very rare.
Like Haley’s Comet rare.
Anywho, my friend (knowing my penchant for theology) sent me a link to this blog that lists all of the things that are
“more Muslim” than Barack Obama.This cat is obviously more Muslim than Obama according to the following indications of Muslimness:
-traditional Muslim garb, including head scarf
-facial hair, aka whiskers
-belt made out of dynamite
Apparently, I would also be considered more Muslim than Obama due to my undying love of Middle Eastern delicacies, particularly falafel, hummus and ingesting hookah smoke. Hookah counts as a delicacy, right?
Is that Persia?
Didn't the DARE program teach you anything STAY OFF THE HOOKAH
DARE taught me how to use drugs. Isn't that what the program was for?
If it wasn't for the DARE program, I would never have known that there are 7 different types of barbiturates. I used to think there was only one: benzodiazepine. How naive I was as a fifth grader!
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